Functional Health Testing & Programs
Discover Your Unique Formula For Permanent Health & Weight-Loss
Transforming your health and body through genetics and epigenetics by unlocking your true potential. The system of Metabolic Typing® has evolved over the last 40+ years into its current system which has to date helped over 100,000 people to restore health and function to their bodies.

Stop guessing and finally know exactly what foods and supplements are right for your body...

Jessica Tribble 
Sioux Falls, SD

"When I am following my MT my energy levels are so much better. When I am not following it I feel like I have to nap and chug coffee..."

Shane Gilley
Manchester, TN

"Since starting the MT program it has completely transformed my journey. I am overly satisfied with my results and look forward to see where this leads..."

Natalie Barnard 
Sacramento, CA

"...I am pretty sure this is the way we were intended to feel – GOOD! What did I do differently? My macros were dialed in for what my body tells me it needed and I ate according to my Metabolic Type."
Functional Health Testing & Programs
Discover Your Unique Formula For Permanent Health & Weight-Loss
Transforming your health and body through genetics and epigenetics by unlocking your true potential. The system of Metabolic Typing® has evolved over the last 40+ years into its current system which has to date helped over 100,000 people to restore health and function to their bodies.

Stop guessing and finally know exactly what foods and supplements are right for your body...

Jessica Tribble 
Sioux Falls, SD

"When I am following my MT my energy levels are so much better. When I am not following it I feel like I have to nap and chug coffee..."

Shane Gilley
Manchester, TN

"Since starting the MT program it has completely transformed my journey. I am overly satisfied with my results and look forward to see where this leads..."

Natalie Barnard 
Sacramento, CA

"...I am pretty sure this is the way we were intended to feel – GOOD! What did I do differently? My macros were dialed in for what my body tells me it needed and I ate according to my Metabolic Type."

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Combined with the knowledge of your Metabolic Type®, hair tissue mineral analysis reveals incredible insights into thyroid, gut, blood sugar and adrenal function. Additionally you'll learn how your body is handling heavy metals, determine the effectiveness of your current diet and what changes to make.

Food Sensitivity Blood Testing

The ultimate dietary powerhouse duo comes when you combine your Metabolic Type® diet with removing foods that are currently causing inflammation in your body. The Mediator Release Test (MRT) is a blood test that tests 170 foods and chemicals for their degree of reactivity in your body.

Testing Packages

You can view all the different packages that we offer. Expert support from the Team Kalev is available at no extra cost to you. 
Team Kalev is here to support you in realizing 
your health and fitness goals 
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